Postcard Paintings - "Faith you Fire"

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"Faith You Fire"

Because sometimes it is challenging to have faith when we see only darkness. This painting will help you to feel there is more past the clouds. Shifting perspective can come from something as fleeting as looking at a painting. Art reminds us we are not alone.

Postcard paintings are 5”x7” acrylic on canvas, with a clear coat of matt

"Faith You Fire"

Because sometimes it is challenging to have faith when we see only darkness. This painting will help you to feel there is more past the clouds. Shifting perspective can come from something as fleeting as looking at a painting. Art reminds us we are not alone.

Postcard paintings are 5”x7” acrylic on canvas, with a clear coat of matt varnish over them to protect the vibrant colors.

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All paintings are one of a kind

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