Postcard Paintings - "Sweet Watchers"
  • Postcard Paintings - "Sweet Watchers"

Postcard Paintings - "Sweet Watchers"

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"Sweet Watchers" These are spirits that we can't usually see. They are there protecting us all the same. IF you squint your eyes, like when you are looking for a fish in a pond, you can sometimes see these good spirits around in the air. May this painting serve as a reminder that great forces have your best interest at heart. No matter which way

"Sweet Watchers" These are spirits that we can't usually see. They are there protecting us all the same. IF you squint your eyes, like when you are looking for a fish in a pond, you can sometimes see these good spirits around in the air. May this painting serve as a reminder that great forces have your best interest at heart. No matter which way you hang this, it will serve you well. Use your intuition and let me know how you like it! Postcard paintings are 5”x7” acrylic on canvas, with a clear coat of matt varnish over them to protect the vibrant colors.

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All paintings are one of a kind

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