Postcard Paintings "Tree Connect Download"
  • Postcard Paintings "Tree Connect Download"

Postcard Paintings "Tree Connect Download"

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"Tree Connect Download"

The moment you are in nature and completely calm and then suddenly a tree will tell you large amounts of information about life and peace without you even realizing it. THEN, once you know this is going on, hang in there and stay til the lesson's over. That's the tough part. Practice makes perfect and no attachment to

"Tree Connect Download"

The moment you are in nature and completely calm and then suddenly a tree will tell you large amounts of information about life and peace without you even realizing it. THEN, once you know this is going on, hang in there and stay til the lesson's over. That's the tough part. Practice makes perfect and no attachment to outcome. I believe we thank them by listening and giving back our respect and appreciation.

Postcard paintings are 5”x7” acrylic on canvas, with a clear coat of matt varnish over them to protect the vibrant colors.

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All paintings are one of a kind

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