"Sweeping Up" - Postcard Paintings
  • "Sweeping Up" - Postcard Paintings

"Sweeping Up" - Postcard Paintings

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"Sweeping Up"

Here the colors of many happy times swirl on this canvas straight from my heart. This poem of color shows us how to get back in touch with something wonderful. Grounding in joy makes more things possible. I had to find a way to paint this with feeling and no words. The poem is color! I love this so much! Enjoy!

This painting belongs

"Sweeping Up"

Here the colors of many happy times swirl on this canvas straight from my heart. This poem of color shows us how to get back in touch with something wonderful. Grounding in joy makes more things possible. I had to find a way to paint this with feeling and no words. The poem is color! I love this so much! Enjoy!

This painting belongs to Elizabeth Nance

Postcard paintings are 5”x7” acrylic on canvas, with a clear coat of matt varnish over them to protect the vibrant colors.

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