"Leaf Names" - Postcard Paintings
  • "Leaf Names" - Postcard Paintings

"Leaf Names" - Postcard Paintings

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"Leaf Names"

All we do has influence and inspiration. This painting recalls and calls us to awareness of how we want to present ourselves in life. How we recognize what we create is fascinating to me. Some people can't see all they give nor make. Trees make leaves and then they shed them into the wind. Perhaps we do the same. I left the background

"Leaf Names"

All we do has influence and inspiration. This painting recalls and calls us to awareness of how we want to present ourselves in life. How we recognize what we create is fascinating to me. Some people can't see all they give nor make. Trees make leaves and then they shed them into the wind. Perhaps we do the same. I left the background of this painting pure white with a thick gesso. I needed that space to stay open for more possibility. Woot! Thanks for looking at this painting!

Postcard paintings are 5”x7” acrylic on canvas, with a clear coat of matt varnish over them to protect the vibrant colors.

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All paintings are one of a kind

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