“The Turkey Dreams Peacock” Postcard Paintings
  • “The Turkey Dreams Peacock” Postcard Paintings

“The Turkey Dreams Peacock” Postcard Paintings

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“The Turkey Dreams Peacock” Yes we all have our special features. No matter how wonderful our attributes, sometimes we long for different adornments on our bodily costume. This turkey dreamed a peacock tail for a day. There are many ways to enjoy life and change it up for a minute. I think that must be why many of my friends die their hair rainbow

“The Turkey Dreams Peacock” Yes we all have our special features. No matter how wonderful our attributes, sometimes we long for different adornments on our bodily costume. This turkey dreamed a peacock tail for a day. There are many ways to enjoy life and change it up for a minute. I think that must be why many of my friends die their hair rainbow colors that are not permanent. This painting remind me of that and is why I own four coats in stead of just one. We loves thrift store.

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